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School Charges and Voluntary Contributions

Please click here to download a copy of the contributions for 2024


The Belmont Primary School Council has endorsed a schedule of Contributions and Charges for 2024.  The schedule is broken into four sections to help you calculate costs that you might incur throughout the school year.


The total amount of contributions parents and carers are being asked to pay has been contained within the $60 maximum set in the School Education Regulations 2000.


While contributions are voluntary, the quality of our teaching and learning program will be maximised when each family makes its contribution to the cost of supplementing funding we get from other source, including State and Commonwealth governments. 


The schedule is made up of the following:


  1. Voluntary School Contribution – School contributions are voluntary and have been set at $60.00 per child.  If a family has 3 or more students, $150.00.

  2. P&C Voluntary Contributions – P&C Contribution $20.00 per family.

  3. Book Lists – Students will receive a list of items at the end of the school year in readiness for the following year. These items can be ordered on line and delivered to your door. Charges vary depending on your child’s year level.

  4. Options – Some students will be involved in optional subjects or programs that will incur a fee. Furthermore, the provision of excursions or incursions may also incur a cost to parents. These will be communicated to you via a permission slip with payment for each one.


Parents are encouraged to make payments via direct debit into the school bank account or by credit card.


An Eftpos machine is available in the school office.


Bank details are as follows:  (Please reference your student name, year and the activity for which you are paying.)


  • BSB: 066 040

  • Account Number: 19901797


If you would like to set up a payment plan for 2024, please come into the school office and see our MCS or School Officer.



Please click here to download a copy of the contributions for 2024



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