Learn, Enjoy, Develop
Students at Education Risk (SAER)
Students at educational risk are those who have been identified, through a range of diagnostic tools and assessment data, as not meeting the expected standards. The On Entry testing in Pre-Primary is one means of identifying such students who can be followed with further testing in subsequent years (Years 1 to 6) to determine the effectiveness of intervention programs. The school maintains an inventory of students who have been identified as being at educational risk.
SAER students are case managed by our Learning Support Coordinator in cooperation with our school psychologist. Individual behaviour programs and individual, or group, education programs are prepared for SAER students. SAER students, with the appropriate diagnoses, may receive an allocation of teacher assistant time through funding provided by the Disability Resource Funding system.
Primary Extension and Challenge (PEAC)
PEAC in the South Metropolitan Education Region caters to the special learning needs of gifted and talented students in Years 5 and 6. PEAC centres offer a wide range of extension courses as well as specialist courses in a variety of community and educational settings.
All Year 4 students who are at school have now completed their PEAC (Primary Extension and Challenge) testing, and your children will tell you it really wasn’t all that difficult! Two twenty minute sets of multiple choice questions, and all they had to do was colour in one ball for each question. All the papers go to the coordinator of the PEAC program where they are marked and ranked. We are then given a list with an invitation for children who have been identified as those who would take the greatest advantage of a challenging academic program.