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This term in science we move on to the understanding of biology and integrate the science investigating and human endeavour strands with biology. Belmont Primary uses the program Primary Connections which is aligned with the Australian and Western Australian Curriculum in Science. The units of study are K/P Growing Well, Years 1 /2 Schoolyard Safari. Years2/3/4 Feathers/Fur or Leaves and Years 5/6 Desert Survivors.


  • Year 5/6-The students will be looking at how living things have structural features and adaptations that help them to survive in their environment.

  • Years 2 /3/ 5- The students will be learning about how living things can be grouped on the basis of observable features and can be distinguished from non-living things.

  • Years 1/ 2 -The students will be learning about how living things, such as small animals, have a variety of external features and live in different places where their needs are met. We will use our school garden to find the small animals and closely observe earthworms, snails and ants.

  • K/PP- the student s will be learning about how living things have basic needs, including food and water. we will look at the basic needs of plants and animals.


Room 7 will have a visit from Dr Nik our STEM Professional who is an astrophysicist coming to speak with the students on 4 September.


Room 4 will have a visit from Zaneta our other STEM Professional who is a chemical engineer to speak with the students about climate change on 21 August. We are very lucky to be involved in this program as the scientists give their time freely to promote science. The students are able to ask them questions.


To celebrate National Science week (10 August to 18 August) our school will have a free incursion from SERCUL about Algae Busters on 8 August during science time. There are many activities around our state that you might like to attend Home - National Science Week.


On 14 August we will have our annual paper plane competition in the undercover area at 2.30pm. All students will need a paper plane made from paper, no launchers. Parents are able to fly a plane too or you can come and watch.


On 15 August students can dress up as a scientist if they wish. Also, at lunch time there will be some science activities supervised by Year 6 students and there year 5 helpers.


There will be a science display of " what do scientists do" on the pin up boards.


This term is a very busy one.


Mrs Waters—Science Teacher

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